شهادات الجلوبال جاب


HEIACert is an approved Certification Body for GLOBALG.A.P. Certification and GLOBALG.A.P. Add-ons Modules, for more details and to have a closer look please go to GLOBALG.A.P. Website https://www.globalgap.org/uk_en/what-we-do/the-gg-system/certification/Approved-CBs/index.html 

For more details about the accredited scope, please check and have a closer look about the HEIACert accreditation status and the scope by using this key (PCA-134) in the accreditation body IAS Website. www.iasonline.org 


HEIACert Currently offers the following Services:



GLOBALG.A.P. Certification
– GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) V5.2 [Crop Base (Fruit and Vegetables)] – accredited scope
– GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) V6.0 SMART [Plants, Fruit and Vegetables] – accreditation in progress
– GLOBALG.A.P. Integrated Farm Assurance (IFA) V6.0 GFS [Plants, Fruit and Vegetables] – accreditation in progress

** GLOBALG.A.P. Options:

    Option 1 – Individual producer [One site],

    Option 1 – Individual producer [Multisite without QMS],

    Option 1 – Individual producer [Multisite with QMS], and 

    Option 2 – Producer Group


GLOBALG.A.P. Add-Ons Modules:
– GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice Module (GRASP) V1.3-1-i (Fruit and Vegetables)
– GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice Module (GRASP) V2.0 (Fruit and Vegetables)
– AH-DLL GROW Assessment Module V3 (Fruit and Vegetables)
– Tesco Nurture Assessment Module V11 (Fruit and Vegetables)
– Farm Sustainability Assessment Module (FSA) V2 (Fruit and Vegetables)



Geographical area/Territorials Limits: Egypt, KSA, Turkey, Oman, Jordan, and Morocco.



The applicant (Producer/Producer Group) who interested to apply with HEIACert for GLOBALG.A.P. Certification, and/or GLOBALG.A.P. Add-ons Modules shall upload the HEIACert GLOBALG.A.P. Certification Application. The applicant shall fulfils the application with the necessary information and then returns it to HEIACert.


*  Application (Word format) —- click on —–>>> Application (V4.0)


*  Application (PDF format) —- click on —–>>>  Application (V4.0)


Please have a closer look on the Certification Process Guideline >>  HEIACert GLOBALG.A.P. Certification Process Guideline (V5.0)


Important documents:

Rules for Use of G.G. Trademark and Logo (for G.G. IFA V5.2)  —->>  Rules for Use of GLOBALG.A.P. Trademark and Logo (V2.0)

Rules for Use of G.G. Trademark and Logo (for G.G. IFA V6.0)  —->>  GLOBALG.A.P. Trademarks use_Policy and Guidelines V1.0-1

Rules for the Use of the GRASP Logo and the GRASP Assessment Results —->>  Rules for the Use of the GRASP Logo and the GRASP Assessment Results (V1.0)

Nurture Module Logo Use Rules —->>  Nurture Module Logo Use Rules (V1.0)


All the relevant GLOBALG.A.P. documents for certification are available at GLOBALG.A.P. Website http://www.globalgap.org/documents




For more clarification or needs explanations concerning how to apply, please contact us on:


Tel.: +202 38897759   &   +202 38897760                                                  E-mail: customerservice@heiacert.org