
HEIACert provides the means to confirm the validity of a given Product Certification (GLOBALG.A.P.)/Management System Certification (ISO 9001/ISO 22000). By using the respective HEIACert Certificate number, you can verify the client information, scheme, scope and the current status of a certificate.

More details of shortened, suspended and canceled (withdrawn) certificates are available on request.

If you are interested to know if a company/producer/organization holds a certificate issued by HEIACert, please contact us and entering the the respective HEIACert Certificate number to the following email address: customerservice@heiacert.org 

      • You can also check the validity and the status of any GLOBALG.A.P. Certificates issued by HEIACert which is always displayed at: http://www.globalgap.org/search  by entering one of the respective keys: HEIACert Certificate Number OR HEIACert Client Register Number OR GGN.
HEIACert Certified Clients/Producers (GLOBALG.A.P. Certification)
HEIACert Certified Clients Organization (ISO 9001 QMS & ISO 22000 FSMS)